WINDSURFING CLUB Mondello Viale Regina Elena, 89
90100 Palermo
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Albaria Club
Come abbonarsi alla rivista Albaria 
The italian surfer who has won nine
windsurf world titles
H e was
born in Palermo the 1st of march in 1970. Riccardo - Chico and Ornella Giordano's only
son - started practising windsurf at the newly born "Albaria Windsurfing
club" in the wonderful gulf of Mondello, when he was only ten years old. Vincenzo
Baglione, Albaria's manager has been teacher and still is his trainer.
Giordano has immediately shown an outstanding learning capacity and thanks to his talent
he has given great satisfaction to his fans since he was a young boy. The infant prodigy
started to get a series of excellent results which made him won the selections for
Barcellona Olympics and nine world titles.
Riccardo plays tennis, skies, plays volleyball and togheter with his unexcelled Albaria's
friends takes part in the soccer tournaments.
He got a diploma in classical studies and now he attends the Faculty of Law.
His private life in like many other young people. He likes to enjoy himself and sometimes
he doesn't take anything seriously.
Below you can find the most important periods of his young and successful career.
In 1984 Riccardo came third at the `Giochi della Gioventù' and only in 1986 he won the
italian Mistral Championship. In 1987 step by step he started to acquire self-confidence.
Besides a series of great results on a national scale, in 1987 Riccardo won IYRU World
Championship in France. Thanks to his victories he has become one of the great hopes. In
1988 Riccardo Won both the world Windsurf Championship in Squads and teh European
Championship. In 1989 he got the gold medal at the national championship in South Africa
and he was within a hair's breath of winning the Windsurf World Championship in Squads
arriving second. After many other excellent results, he concluded the year successfully
becoming the World Mistral Champion in Texas. The new year (1990) began very well. The
standard-bearer of Albaria Club came first at the international Lechner at Anzio, at the
Mistral International in Palermo and at the Windsurf World Championship in Squads. Even
though Riccardo came third at the University World Championship and fourth at the Mistral
Championship in France he didn't discouraged at all. He had a high reputation abroad. The
italian surfer came first at the Siam Cup Funboard in the wonderful Thailand.
In 1991 he came first both at the Mistral International Championship and at the italian
Olympic Class Championship, fourth at Atlanta pre-olympics and he won again the World
Mistral title in California.
1992 was a very important year for him. He came second at the international Lechner
Championship in Singapore, third at the Siam Cup in thailand and fourth at Anzio pre
olympics. He came eight at the world Lechner Championship (fifth of the national). His
dream came partly true: he would go to Barcelona. The most important challenge for the
young sicilian surfer who has competed with the most great windsurf champions in the
world. After the olympic games, Giordano not satisfied with his important success won
hands down the World Mistral Individual Championship. For the italian surfer it was a
great success because thanks to his three world victories this class became Olympic.
1993 was a very positive year. At Anzio pre-olympic and at the international Championship
in Palermo he won two bronze medals, which were followed by the victory of the national
championship at Caldaro. A great performance at the "Mediterraneo Games" in
France where he got a silver medal, beating all his french opponents who were disappointed
with the achievement of the italian surfer. At Piombino Riccardo got the italian Mistral
title, beating the strong tuscan Andrea Zinali.
In chronological order he got success at the World Championship in Japan where he won
deservedly another silver medal. Then he got the bronze medal at Auckland pre-olympics in
New Zealand. The year ended in a big way: at the very end of december Riccardo became
World Champion in Windsurfer class, with a clamorous victory in Australia which is home of
the best surfers in this class. In 1994 he came sixth at Anzio pre-olympics. In the same
year he won Open European Championship at the Windsurf World Festival in Palermo, together
with Paco Wirz and Manuela Arcidiacono, beating the New Zealanders Bruce and Barbara
Kendall (both of them won the Olympic gold medals) and Aaron Mcintosh (Mistral World
Champion). He came first together with the Amith Imbar at the International Race in
Auckland. He arrived third at Auckland pre-olympics, fifth at the `Trophée des Alizes' in
New Caledonia , eight at the Sail Melbourne Nissan Regatta and then he won the Windsurf
World Championship in the Fiji Isalnds, his nine world title.
In 1995 he got the silver medal at Alassio pre-olympics and came fourth at the italian
Championship in Venice.
In 1996 he won the silver medal at the European Mistral Championship and the italian title
at home, on the sea of Palermo, in the beautiful gulf of Mondello.
THE LAST 1996 - 2000
1996 - 15.Mondiali Mistral in Israele; 1.Preolimpica di Anzio; 1.Nazionale
Mistral a Cagliari; 14.Settimana olimpica di Hyeres Francia; 1.Coppa delle Nazioni
Windsurf World Festival a Palermo; 2.Spring Cup Sicily Grand Prix Windsurf World Festival
a Palermo; 2.Campionati Europei Windsurfer a Ragusa; 2.Campionati Europei Mistral
di Nizza Francia; 1.Campionati Italiani Mistral a Palermo
1997 - 2 Preolimpica di Melburn australia; 3.Sun Alliance Auckland New Zeland;
1.Preolimpica di Benova; 3.Preolimpica di Anzio; 1.Nazionale Grosseto; 3.Coppa Delle
Nazioni; 6.Internazionale Mondello; 3.Giochi del Mediterraneo, 4.Italiani Mistral
Gravedona; 2.Preolimpica di Sydney.
1998 - 2.Preolimpica di Genova; 8.Preolimpica di Anzio; 14.Hyeres
Francia; 2.Nationj Cup; 3.Windsurf World Festival; 2.Italiani Mistral Napoli; 7.Europei
Mistral Grecia; 11.Preolimpica di Sydney; 12.Mondiali Mistral Brest Francia.
1999 - 1.Preolimopica Mistral Anzio; 7.Preolimpica Hyeres Francia;
2.World Festival Palermo; 9.Campionati Europei Polonia; 14.Campionati Mondiali Mistral
Nuova Caledonia; 8.Preolimpica Mistral Sydney; 1.Campionato Italiano Mistral Piombino;
11.Ranking Mondiale ISAF.Mondiale ISAF.
2000 - 9.Ranking Mondiale ISAF; 5.Campionati Sud Americani Open - Mar Del
Plata Argentina; 19.Campionati Mondiali Mistral - Mar Del Plata Argentina; 2.Preolimpica
Anzio. |
aggiornato al 30-09-1998
1984 - 3.Giochi della gioventù
1986 - 1.Camp.Italiani Mistral
1987 - 1.Camp.Italiani Mistral,
1.Camp.Italiani Windsurfer, 1.Camp. Classe Olimpica; 2.Camp. Mond. a sq. Windsurfer -
Italia; 1.Contest Nazionale Bic Sport; 1.Contest Nazionale Tigà Sprint; 1.Camp. Mondiali.
IYRU Francia
1988 - 1.Camp. Mond. a Sq. Windsurfer;
1.Camp. Europei.Windsurfer Italia
1989 - 1.Naz. Open - Slalom - Sud Africa,
3.Nazionali Open Sud Africa, 1.Internazionale.Windsurfer Italia, 2.Camp. Mond a Sq.
Windsurfer, 1.Tigà Sprint, 2.Camp. Italiani Classe Olimpica, 2.Camp. Europeo Mistral
Finlandia,1.Camp. Italiani. Mistral, 1.Camp. Mondiale Mistral Texas
1990 - 1.Internazionale. Lechner Anzio, 1.Internazionale. Mistral
Palermo, 1.Camp. Mond. a sq. Windsurfer, 1.Camp. Italiani Mistral, 1.Camp. Italiani Classe
Olimpica, 1.Nazionale Windsurf day 90, 3.Mond. Universitari Mistral Francia, 4.Mondiali
Mistral Francia, 1.Siam Cup Funboard Thailandia
1991- 1.Internazionale Mistral, 1.Camp. Italiani Classe Olimpica,
4.Internazionale Olimpica Mondello, 4.Giochi del Mediterraneo Grecia, 4.Preolimpica
Barcellona, 1.Camp. Mondiali Mistral California
1992 - 2.Internazionali Lechner Singapore, 3.Siam Cup Thailandia,
4.Preolimpica Anzio, 1.Internazionale Mistral Palermo , 1.Camp. Mond. a sq. Windsurfer,
8.Preolimpica HIERES, 8.Classifica Mondiale Lechner, Partecip. alle Olimpiadi di
Barcellona, 1.Mondiali Mistral Mondello
1993 - 3.Preolimpica di Anzio, 3.Internazionale Olimpica Palermo,
1.Nazionale Caldaro, 2.Giochi Del Mediterraneo Francia, 1.Campionati Italiani Mistral
Piombino, 2.Mondiale Mistral Giappone, 3.Preolimpica di Auckland Nuova Zelanda, 1.Mondiali
Windsurfer Australia
1994 - 1.Match race int. Auckland, 6.Preolimpica di Anzio, 1.Europei open
a squadre Mondello, 3.Preolimpica di Auckland Nuova Zelanda, 5.Trofeo des Alizes in Nuova
Caledonia, 8.Sail Melbourne Nissan Regatta, 1.Mondiali Windsurfer Fiji
1995 - 2.Preolimpica di Alassio, 5.Settimana olimpica di Hyeres Francia
1996 - 15.Mondiali Mistral in Israele; 1.Preolimpica di Anzio;
1.Nazionale Mistral a Cagliari; 14.Settimana olimpica di Hyeres Francia; 1.Coppa delle
Nazioni Windsurf World Festival a Palermo; 2.Spring Cup Sicily Grand Prix Windsurf World
Festival a Palermo; 2.Campionati Europei Windsurfer a Ragusa; 2.Campionati Europei Mistral
di Nizza Francia; 1.Campionati Italiani Mistral a Palermo
1997 - 2 Preolimpica di Melburn australia; 3.Sun Alliance Auckland New
Zeland; 1.Preolimpica di Benova; 3.Preolimpica di Anzio; 1.Nazionale Grosseto; 3.Coppa
Delle Nazioni; 6.Internazionale Mondello; 3.Giochi del Mediterraneo, 4.Italiani Mistral
Gravedona; 2.Preolimpica di Sydney.
1998 - 2.Preolimpica di Genova; 8.Preolimpica di Anzio; 14.Hyeres
Francia; 2.Nationj Cup; 3.Windsurf World Festival; 2.Italiani Mistral Napoli; 7.Europei
Mistral Grecia; 11.Preolimpica di Sydney; 12.Mondiali Mistral Brest Francia.
1999 - 7.Preolimpica Melbourne; 11.Preolimpica SailAuckland;
1.Preolimopica Mistral Anzio; 7.Preolimpica Hyeres Francia; 2.World Festival Palermo;
9.North American Continentals; 9.Campionati Europei Polonia; 14.Campionati Mondiali
Mistral Nuova Caledonia; 8.Preolimpica Mistral Sydney; 1.Campionato Italiano Mistral
Piombino; 11.Ranking Mondiale ISAF.
2000 - 9.Ranking Mondiale ISAF; 5.Campionati Sud Americani Open - Mar Del
Plata Argentina; 19.Campionati Mondiali Mistral - Mar Del Plata Argentina; 2.Preolimpica
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Albaria Magazine Via Libertà, 91 - 90100 Palermo
Tel.++39 91 308823 - Fax ++39 91 342402

Lingua italiana
Name: Riccardo
Surname: Giordano
City: Palermo
Date of birth: 1st march 1970
Age: 26
Civil status: bachelor
Height: 1,80 m
Weight: 70 kg
Eyes: Blue
Club: Albaria Palermo
Sports: gym, tennis, volleyball
Sponsor: Mistral, Albaria Mondello, WWF. |